Have you ever come across a better mood controller then a scale?? It is just
unbelievable for me how much power that block on the floor where you put your
naked feet on can have on a person. Depending on the result on the little block
above your toes, you will have a fantastic day, or your day is completely ruined. If
there was only medication as powerful as a scale…
We all know this, yet most of my clients are addicted to the block on their bathroom
floor. After the results are known, the confusion starts… What did I pick up or lose?
Is it water, is it muscle or fat? Suddenly, all your clothes fall in line with what the
scale said. Everything feels tighter or looser (which by the way, you did not notice
before you got on the scale).
In that way, we allow a lot of things around us to determine if we are happy with
ourselves or not.
The other big evil is reaching your goal weight just to move your goal weight a little
bit further. With the result that we are just never content. We are never just happy
and celebrating our bodies. Do not think that you will find contentment the moment
you reach your goal. Contentment is not in a goal reached, it’s a mind shift within
That is what I want to talk to you about today. There is magic in finding
contentment in the moment and in life today. That does not mean that I’m not
working on my goals and not setting new goals. It means that I’m okay where I am
right now, knowingly that I’m working on myself. It is okay that you are where you
are, it is okay if you missed goals and are not where you want to be.
Take a big breath, know that your worth has nothing to do with who you are, what
you have done or how you look. Know that you need to be kind to yourself, except
yourself and from that point on, you can work on yourself.
That way you will also bring your stress levels down which helps a lot with weight
Be kind to yourself, breath and know it is okay to be where you are. Except yourself
and from that point of contentment, go and reach your goal.